Wind Met Mast Kuhbett

Project description
The wind met mast recorded the wind speed inside the planned Kuhbett wind park for 12 months. The results, or more precisely information about the wind speed and distribution, will help us to plan the wind farm with an optimum design.
Technical data:
Measuring mast height: 141.5 m
Location height: 634 m above sea level
Measuring heights: 60 m, 80 m, 105 m, 130 m, 139 m, 141 m
Measuring equipment:
6 x cup anemometer
3 x wind vane
2 x temperature
1 x air humidity
Planning: 2015
Construction: 2015
Commissioning: August 2015
Dunoair Windpark Planung GmbH
Hesse, Limburg-Weilburg County, City of Bad Camberg